Handwriting Practice

Most “grown-ups” take something as simple as handwriting for granted.

We tend to forget how many skills are involved. Hand-eye coordination. Learning the proper grip. Remembering which direction the “p” and the “d” are supposed to go. Needless to say, there are 26 letters of the alphabet, and each of them comes in both upper and lower case!

And then there's the ever-present battle to keep the kids' attention spans from fading.

Personal whiteboards and EXPO markers are a great idea.

The kid-sized whiteboards are perfect for any subject in general and make lessons more interactive. Students love them because they're fun to work with. They can be used in just about every educational setting, including whole group instruction, learning centers, and guided groups.

They let students practice their letters and wipe away mistakes in the process. For little perfectionists who get frustrated if their letters aren’t “perfect,” this saves them from the frustration of constantly erasing (and eventually ripping) their paper.

EXPO markers have wide barrels which give tiny hands a good grip. It’s an excellent way for them to practice proper technique.

They're technology-free, too! No batteries to have to worry about recharging.

Don't forget, when teaching handwriting skills, how important good posture is to exact letter formation and slant. Students should sit upright with both feet on the floor (no slouching!) And they should turn their board at a 45 degree angle toward the side of the arm doing the writing.

Using EXPO markers (which won’t rub off), you can mimic the classic dotted-line-in-the-middle papers we've all used before. Letters wipe off, and children can erase until their hearts' content. But the guidelines you make won't.

Using a variety of surfaces can also make learning more interesting. You actually don’t even need a whiteboard. Any clear glass, like a window, or a sliding patio door, is another place to practice. In fact, if an adult stands on the other side of the glass, they can “partner” with the student without doing the work for them.