Organize Your Office To-Do List With EXPO Markers

Nothing makes you feel more accomplished than crossing a ton of line items off of a long to-do list. Making lists is the simplest, most impactful way to visualize all the tasks that need to be done, organize a strategic approach, and monitor your progress when you’re managing a lot. Using Expo Markers is the single most effective way to maximize that power of “the list.”


Use EXPO markers to save paper, space, and time.

Instead of littering your desk with post-it notes or filling up notebooks that you’ll just end up throwing in the trash, use Dry Erase Markers and a whiteboard to start with a fresh, blank canvas each and every day. Using dry erase markers gives you as much flexibility as you need to change colors, move priorities up and down, and make other adjustments without turning your list into chicken scratch.

Need to create a more long-term to-do list? No problem. EXPO ink will last on a high quality whiteboard or glass surface for weeks and still be easy to wipe off with an EXPO Dry Block Eraser, Soft Pile, tissues, or a soft cloth, so you’re ready to discard old lists and start a new list of tasks in a matter of seconds. Plus, working at a clean desk naturally makes you feel more organized and energized than working in a cluttered space, so you’ll get even more accomplished.

Sure, making your lists on a computer could also help reduce clutter on your desk, but there’s just something gratifying about physically crossing things off that motivates you to keep going. Expo Markers enable you to physically write out your tasks in one place you can re-use over and over again.


Use EXPO markers to color code important line items.

With more than 17 colors available from Expo Markers, you have total freedom to organize, decorate, and personalize your lists to best fit your needs. Use Expo Neon Dry Erase Markers, Bullet Tip to make important tasks really stand out with bold, vibrant colors, or go with EXPO 2-in-1 Low Odor Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip to easily switch between colors.


Use an individual whiteboard.

An individual whiteboard is easy to hang up or otherwise display at most desks. Creating a visible to-do list makes it easy to hold yourself accountable and complete more tasks than you otherwise would. Expo Markers makes it easy to create countless lists day after day and to personalize your lists, so you can stay focused and maximize your impact at work.